化学剥皮vs. 面部美容|唐纳森整形外科-澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网


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化学剥皮vs. 面部美容

两者的区别 & 什么是适合你的

From a distance, chemical peels and facials may look similar, but they offer different benefits. Just about every person can find a facial that works for them but chemical peels can be a different story. Get a closer look and see if a peel is right for you!


化学剥皮vs. 面部美容

化学换肤 are a topical treatment performed by 医疗 Aestheticians. By applying chemicals to the skin, the top layer is gently exfoliated away.

澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网后, you can expect to see diminished fine lines, 肤色更均匀, 黑斑/老年斑的减轻, 更少的突破, 整体上更有光泽.

At Donaldson整形外科, our 医疗 Aestheticians use peels that are designed to be gentle. Some peels can be harsh and disrupt the skin’s integrity. Our’s deliver the same results but over a span of time, so they do not compromise your skin’s natural barrier.


Because our peels aren’t as aggressive as others, you won’t experience drastic peeling. Your skin may be dry or slightly flaky right after, but you will not experience a “snakeskin” appearance.

What’s the difference between a chemical peel and a facial?

化学换肤 are a more intensive treatment for the skin. 面部美容 are topical treatments that can include things like steam, 拔牙, 保湿, 按摩元素. With all of these elements combined, facials create a very relaxing experience.

A closer look at other key differences between chemical peels and facials:

短的澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网. 不超过45分钟.更长更豪华.
Series of 6 treatments every week or every other week.每4-6周进行一次.
产生长期效果.Produces more short-term results but can produce long-term results with consistency.

Can I combine chemical peels and facials?

During your chemical peel series, it is recommended to hold off on getting a facial during this time. After your chemical peels have been completed, monthly facials will maintain your skin’s health.

尼基和Tatjana推荐 从面部护理开始 first before beginning your peel series. 


What can I expect during my chemical peel treatment?

The skin is first cleansed and prepped before the peel is applied. 取决于果皮, it will either sit for 10-20 minutes as one layer or multiple layers will be added every few minutes. 然后去皮, 皮肤会被中和, moisturizer and/or sunscreen will be applied, 然后你就可以上路了!


Donaldson整形外科 offers peels for all types of skin concerns. Acne, age spots, scarring, congestion, redness, are some examples of concerns that peels can address.

Relaxed patient at a Dublin Ohio Medspa


We highly recommend consulting with an experienced 医疗 Aesthetician to determine the best route for you when choosing a chemical peel that is right for you. These trained professionals are able to customize your peel dependent on your skin’s needs and sensitivities.

准备好重新焕发活力? 我们为你而来!

Tatjana和 尼基 可以使 护肤品 and treatment recommendations by accessing your skin during a facial or a consultation. You can get scheduled for either appointment by calling (614)-442-7610!



尼基Rucinsky is a medical aesthetician at Donaldson整形外科 where she specializes in administering both clinical facials and medical-grade chemical peels. 作为一个自称“终身学习者”的人,” she is always seeking out new techniques and treatments to help patients feel their best, while also researching each ingredient to ensure they are safe and effective long-term.

